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When Mother Nature Plays

In the event that Mother Nature wants the field to herself and lets down her hair so as to rain on Roosevelt Island, please note below:

  • I almost never cancel before Sunday due to a bad forecast. I wait until Sunday as sometimes they get it wrong, and our field does dry pretty quickly.

  • I will send an email when Sunday ball is cancelled. I usually don't send one if it is not. (Similar to an umpire yelling FOUL BALL. They don't say anything if the ball is NOT foul)

  •  If the field is unplayable on Sunday morning, I will notify this email group as soon as possible. This can come as late as one hour before your session time or, in the case of an unexpected rain, even later. 

  • If it is not raining and the field is playable before the first group begins, I head out to set up the field.

  • During the day, if rain makes the field unplayable, or in the case of thunder or lightning, we stop play immediately and I instruct the kids to head home. I will not leave until the last kid has an exit plan and is off the field. Once I pack up the equipment and return home, I'll send an email updating the group. This can be up to 20 minutes after we abandon the field.

  • Those of you who come from off-island and may be enroute will have to decide if you think the forecast is worth making the trip. Remember, the choice is yours--and your kids--and Sunday ball is voluntary, no one gets penalized for missing a day due to weather.

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